
How To Set Window On Graphing Calculator

This tutorial will teach you how to adjust the viewing window If you would like to meet a unlike part of, or more of, your graph.

How to Conform The Window On TI-84 Plus

A common trouble you lot may meet is that you lot graph a line but the line is out of the window. Or you can see the line, but you only want to see more of it. There are multiple ways to adjust the window size, we'll cover them all merely nosotros'll offset with the almost simple.

By default the window size for the graph is -10 to 10 for the X and Y axes. There are multiple ways to conform the window size, we'll comprehend them all but we'll start with the virtually elementary way.

Using "Zoom"

I volition graph the equation Y=(X-9)^2+8 as an case. When you graph this equation without irresolute the window size you lot volition get the screen below. This is non very helpful, but luckily we can modify the lengths of the X and Y axes to requite u.s.a. a better pic.

How to adjust the window size on Ti-84 Plus

From the graph printing the [zoom] key located in the middle of the top row of keys. You will so be at the screen shown beneath. The two things on this listing that you want to focus on for now are the "Zoom In" and "Zoom Out" options. In our instance we tin can't meet enough of our graph so we select the "Zoom Out" choice.

Once you press enter on the "Zoom Out" selection yous will make it back at the graph. There should be a cursor at the origin of the graph. This is the point that y'all will exist zooming out from. You can movement this cursor around to conform where y'all want to zoom out from. In our case we will just leave it at the origin and press [enter] to zoom out. Then the computer will re-graph the line and you should exist able to see more of it.

How to Zoom out on TI-84 Plus graph

Using "Window"

There is another manner to adjust the window on the TI-84 Plus that gives yous more than control. If y'all press the [window] key, in the top row of keys, you will arrive at the screen below.


From hither you tin can enter the verbal lengths that you want the Ten and Y axes to be. The first ii items on the list ("Xmin" and" Xmax") are for the X centrality. The values yous enter will be the left and right lengths of the X axis.

Below that it says "Xscl" this is for adjusting how oftentimes there will be tick marks on the graph. By default this will be set up at ane, this means that in that location will be a tick marking for every 1 X value on the graph. If you are going to be using a window that has an Xmin of -100 and an Xmax of 100 then you may want to change the Xscl to something larger similar x so that in that location aren't a ton of tick marks. Below, the image on the left has 40 tick marks on each centrality, the prototype on the right has twenty tick marks per axis.

Ti-84 how to change tick marks on a graph

The next three items on the listing have the same functionality except for the Y axis.

The 7th item on the list ("Xres" is the "resolution" of the line that you volition graph. This means basically means how many actual points the calculator will plot to make the line. If you graph a line with a low resolution setting (by entering a larger number), it will expect like the parabola on the left below. It will graph super speedily merely also be more than jagged. If y'all graph a line with a higher resolution (past inbound a lower number), the line will be more sooth simply it will graph slower because the calculator has to calculate more points.

How to adjust the window on TI-84 plus

Window Defaults

Finally if you lot want to easily reset the window size, there is a manner to do that too. If you lot press the [zoom] primal once more you will detect that there are a number of presets below the "zoom" functions. The one that resets the window to default is "Zstandard". If you lot want to reset your window just coil to that option and press [enter]. There are too other presets that y'all might find useful, similar "Ztrig" which will give you tick marks in incroments of pi/ii.

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How To Set Window On Graphing Calculator,


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