
How To Set Up Socks5 Proxy On Android

Is Telegram blocked in your state? Or are you traveling in a country blocking the use of the popular messaging app?

Hither'due south a complete tutorial on how to apply proxies with Telegram, where to discover SOCKS5 proxies, and how to setup them in the app.

Here'southward what we'll encompass in this tutorial:

  • What is the use of proxy in Telegram
  • Where can I observe SOCKS5 proxy for Telegram
  • Are Telegram proxies rubber
  • What is MTProto proxy
  • Tin proxies be traced?
  • How to gear up SOCKS5 proxy on Telegram for Android
  • How to gear up up SOCKS5 proxy on Telegram for desktop app

What is the use of proxy in Telegram

Why would somebody buy proxies for Telegram in the kickoff place? It's a valid question.

There are 2 reasons for which somebody will desire to use proxies for Telegram.

First, one role of the answer tin exist seen in this map here:

telegram map

The countries drew in ruddy are countries that entirely or partially block admission to Telegram.

If y'all are in (or traveling to) Russia, China, Iran, or India, y'all won't be able to use Telegram. The app is blocked, and using a simple Net connection, such as a home or hotel network, won't be enough to bypass the block to apply Telegram successfully.

2d, there are developers and marketers experimenting with bots.

Telegram is one of the few bot-friendly messaging apps. It has an API that y'all tin can use to develop and exam chatbots successfully.

Even with API access, developers nevertheless need proxies. One reason is the need for fixed IP addresses. Another one is the management of multiple Telegram bots, in which instance, different IPs are used to connect dissimilar chatbots.

Where tin I find socks5 proxy for Telegram?

Telegram supports but SOCKS5 proxies and not HTTP ones. Using the later volition cause connectedness problems, and you won't be able to connect to the Internet.

What if I told you that there is no such thing as SOCKS5 proxies for Telegram.

What I mean by that is that yous don't need a dedicated SOCKS5 proxy for Telegram. The app supports SOCKS5 proxies. Menses. So, you can use any SOCKS5 server you lot want, be it public, datacenter, or a residential 1.

All-time SOCKS5 proxy for Telegram



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Is it prophylactic to use them on Telegram

SOCSK5 proxies are generally safe to use. Only not all of them.

For example, complimentary SOCKS5 proxy lists take been notoriously unusable, especially for chat apps.

They have some issues:

  1. Notoriously unsecured – you don't know who sits backside the server
  2. Unreliable – the server (and its IP) tin disappear from i day to another
  3. Long downtime periods – some servers are down more than thirty-twoscore% of the time

You lot can apply these costless public lists for other projects, just for messaging apps, you lot can't wait 20 seconds to send an emoji.

In a higher place all, is the security question. You don't know who controls a server and for what reason. Moreover, you don't know how the server is setup.

That's why you can say that the only condom proxies to utilize on Telegram are either dedicated datacenter SOCKS5 or residential SOCKS5 proxies.

These are IPs nether the management of a company. It is in its best involvement to offer a secure and reliable service.

What is MTProto proxy?

This is a new type of proxy developed by Telegram later several countries started banning or restricting access to Telegram.

It is merely a free service provided by Telegram through, which you can use it someday.

Also, there are MTProto servers setup past users, in the same way as Tor exit nodes.

There is also a Telegram channel defended to MTProto proxies. Here you tin notice proxy server details uploaded past other Telegram users.

mtproto proxy telegram

Can proxies exist traced?

This is a valid privacy and security concern, and the simple answer is no.

Proxy usage, especially when mixed with other traffic, can exist difficult to trace, but not impossible. Nil is impossible online.

Proxies are a safety way of accessing Telegram without any restrictions.

Furthermore, if you demand one more than privacy layer on tiptop of your SOCKS5 proxy for Telegram, at that place's one more than matter you tin can do.

VPNs – The Alternatives to using proxies

Ane culling to using SOCKS5 proxy or MTProto for Telegram are VPNs.

The simply [significant] difference is that a VPN volition encrypt your traffic at a system level. Adding ane more layer of privacy and security between your device and the VPN server.

By now, you should know if you need SOCKS5 proxies for Telegram and how safety their use is.

Next, permit's take a look at the steps needed to setup proxies on Telegram for Android and desktop app.

How to set SOCKS5 proxy on Telegram for Android or Desktop


  • Open Telegram and tap on the hamburger button located on the top-left corner of your screen.



  • Tap on "Settings" from the menu that opened on your screen.



  • Locate "Data and Storage" and tap on it.



  • Navigate at the bottom of the Data and Storage settings to find "Proxy Settings" and tap to open up the proxy menu.



  • Now, tap on "Add Proxy".

telegram proxy settings step 5


  • Bank check the "SOCKS5 Proxy" choice (or MTProtoProxy if you use one).
    • Next, fill in the server (your SOCKS5 Proxy IP), Port (your SOCKS5 proxy port).
    • Optionally, if your SOCKS5 proxy has user:pass authentication, fill in these details too.
  • Lastly, tap "Check" icon on the top-right corner of your screen to save your setup.



  • Tap on the proxy details and look until the app shows "Connected".

telegram-mobile-proxy-step-m7 Now, yous can employ Telegram securely and without any restrictions.

How to set up SOCKS5 proxy on Telegram for Desktop App


  • Starting time by opening the Telegram desktop app and clicking on the hamburger button on the elevation-left corner.



  • Click on "Settings".



  • Click on "Avant-garde".



  • Click on "Connection type".



  • Cheque "Employ custom proxy" and and then click on "Add Proxy".



  • Select the proxy type (in our example SOCKS5, but you tin can likewise use HTTP and MTProto proxies).
    • Next, fill in your proxy details (in the Hostname field insert either the hostname or the IP accost of the server and side by side to it the port).
    • Optionally, if your SOCKS5 proxy has user:pass authentication, make full in these details too.
  • Lastly, click "Salve" on the lesser-right corner of your settings screen to save your setup.



  • Bank check if the proxy is "online" and close the Proxy settings window.

telegram-desktop-step-7 Now, y'all can employ Telegram desktop app through SOCSK5 proxies securely and without any restrictions.

In determination

Past at present, you have learned that there aren't any exclusive SOCKS5 Telegram proxies offered by proxy services. For Telegram, you can use whatsoever SOCKS5 proxy service you like, even free public ones (although, as you saw, we don't recommend them).

Proxies are used to bypass firewalls and restrictions imposed by countries that restrict partially or entirely the messaging app.

Lastly, you learned how to setup SOCKS5 proxy for Telegram's Android and desktop app.


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